Most times in life, it’s easy to look at your life and feel you’re not good enough, smart enough, brave enough, beautiful enough or have enough resources. Does this relate to you? At one point or another we take a look at what God is calling us to do and dreams, visions and desires that He has put in our heart and we just tend to feel disqualified. We look at what God is asking us to do and we just tend to feel “you know what God? I think you picked the wrong person for the job” but God doesn’t make mistakes and that’s why you aren’t a mistake because He made you. Now you may be thinking, ” man, you don’t know me! There’s no way I was God’s choice to do this or to do that because I not the right guy”. Well, you know what? Moses, Joshua and Gideon in the Bible didn’t feel qualified either but they still went on to lead, guide and dominate nations for the glory of God! You see, God made you exactly how you are because of the assignment he has for you. He made you a perfect fit for His calling and purpose for your life. He says in Jeremiah, that before you were formed in your mother’s womb He knew you and set you apart as a prophet unto nations. Isn’t wonderful to know that you were specially selected, chosen and pre-destined by God for great things. To God your disqualification is your greatest Qualification. Don’t believe me, ask Moses, David, and Gideon. These three were disqualified by natural standards to do the things they did. But they still went on to achieve some of the greatest feats ever recorded in history. 
So if you’ve been feeling discouraged, and disqualified then I want to let you know that you don’t have to throw in the towel because the more disqualified you feel, the more qualified you are in God’s eyes. God calls the unqualified and makes them qualified. Accept yourself the way God made you! God specially designed you for what he has called you to be. You are God’s epitome of perfection! So from today begin to look at all your disqualification as all the major reasons why you’re God’s perfect candidate for the job He has for you.